Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More moth Mayhem Thursday June 27th

I turned on the propane for the hot water heater this morning and it went on and off about three times so Jim went out to check it out.  When he came back in he informed me the entire compartment was full of crispy moths.  He cleaned them out and I’m happy to report no more problems with the water heater.
                                                   Cowboy and horse just inside Wyoming
We arrived in Wheatland about lunch time. Within minutes of our arriving we had visitors checking in with us to find out what was on the menu for lunch
                                      Lunch was sandwiches for us and plain bread for our visitors.
After lunch we took a ride through Wheatland (Jim was so impressed by the width of their streets that he had to have a picture.
We went out a country road past the Laramie River power plant and on to the Guernsey Reservoir .  I took a picture of the reservoir, but Jim said it was to blurry.  We had gone out to check on the camping there but decided it was nothing special.  Mostly dirt, scrub brush, and very little water in the reservoir.
That night we didn't even turn on any lights before going to bed so we weren't aware of the moths until about midnight when I got up and switched on the bathroom light. Immediately the mirror above the sink was covered in moths.  Having dealt with them myself the night before I woke Jim and made him help.  Just when he was getting the last one taken care of I wandered out into the living room and saw the windshield was just solid with the creepy little things.  I brought them to Jim's attention and told him there was no way we could possibly kill all of them unless we were planning to stay up the whole night.  I thought maybe we should open the door and turn on the porch light with the hopes of their flying out the door to the brighter light, but you know guys, They always think they have better ideas so Jim went and grabbed his mag light and said "this will attract them better then the porch light".  (Now I am sure he will love everyone knowing this next part, but you all have to envision the entire scenario.) He is standing in the living room in just his shorts and doesn't bother to wait to turn on the mag light.  I tried to tell him he didn't want to turn it on yet.  Anyway he flicks on the light and is immediately covered head to toe with moths.  Talk about someone doing a scared little girl dance.  I laughed so hard I cried. He now loves moths as much as I do and in fact pointed out to me, they aren't just fuzzy creeping little things but their beady little eyes glow yellow when the flashlight, light reflects in them.  As I write this I'm still laughing and he's still cussing me for laughing  about it so much.

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